Search Results for: malchiodi

Dopamine, art et St-Valentin

Une étude intéressante du professeur Samir Zeki, neuroscientifique et psycho-esthéticien  démontre que le visionnement d’oeuvres d’art que nous trouvons agréables et visuellement intéressantes favorise la création de dopamine dans le cerveau et génère des effets comparables à l’étât amoureux. Rien de moins!     (Le professeur Samir commente le sujet dans ce très court vidéo qui se [...]

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Laugh it off

January and February have been stressful, in that many families and children we see in our services have experienced more crises and seemed in our short staffed reality, to be doing collectively worse.  Is it the weather, the post holiday tensions, difficult work environments that create increased stress on already fragile systems? It is hard [...]

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International art therapy news

Just out today the second issue of Fusion, the International Art therapy Alliance’s publication. You will find news from various places in the world, links to art therapy bloggers, a number of articles with a focus on digital media in therapy and for art therapists and much more. Take a look it is free.

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Drawing out symptoms

Cathy Malchiodi which I’ve spoken about a number of times here, writes a review of the benefits of drawing on symptoms of trauma. She lists the following partial benefits: 1) Drawing taps implicit memory. Trauma and drawing are largely sensory experiences; drawing pictures about aspects of « what happened » prompts sensory memories of traumatic events. 2) Drawing actively [...]

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Evidence based art therapy for medical conditions and PTSD

Listen to an interview with three art therapists talk about the benefits of art in oncology and medical based conditions(link below). Cathy Malchiodi’s blog posting talks about the evidence behind the practice. Read her introduction : In a growing number of hospitals across the US [and Canada], cancer patients are using art to express emotions [...]

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Pathology and art

Cathy Malchiodi a well known art therapist in the field (past posting on her work found here) wrote a provocative attempt at putting a stop to pathologizing the art of artists who happen to have mental illnesses. She is promoting the celebration of artists who struggle with mental illness instead. The read is worth the [...]

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Trauma et dessins d’enfants

Je viens de découvrir le récent blogue d’une collègue art thérapeute qui écrit de façon prolifique (livres) . Figure proéminente de l’art thérapie aux États-Unis elle s’est intéressée aux enfants, à la technologie, à l’art thérapie dans les milieux hospitaliers (medical art therapy) et semble s’être spécialisée récemment. Elle fait de la recherche sur le [...]

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